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Rebrand and Monetize PLR Content: If you’re not convinced that PLR content is for you, you should probably think again. You could definitely be surprised at the ways you can utilize PLR content. By using quality PLR content, you can help you grow your business in ways you may have never thought possible. All you need to do is select the right content. Once you have selected the PLR content you’ll be able to take advantage of it in many, many ways you never imagined before.

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Utilizing the PLR content may sound like a difficult process. It’s actually not difficult at all. In fact, some of the ways to use PLR content are genuinely simple. There are so many different ways to do it that you’ll be able to find the ones that work best for you. Finding one that says what you want in the way you want to say it can be utilized in many different ways.

The more ways you utilize the PLR content, the greater its effectiveness can be. You’ll have to put a little thought and effort into deciding which type of PLR content to use, but once you do, you can get things underway quickly.

Now you know what PLR content is, you know it can be effective, and is something you can undertake and get going quickly. To help get you headed in the right direction, here are some great ways you will be able to utilize the content you purchase.

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  1. Split the content for use as blog posts or articles. Re-write it to ensure originality and to insert keywords that are relevant to your site. You probably already know that the more your business gets “out there” the faster it will grow.

PLR material is very versatile. Purchasing an eBook for example can give you a great number of blog posts or articles you can post to your site. It’s more cost effective, because you purchase them at a low price and can break them up as much as you like. If you have a varied customer base, you can split it into what works for each group of customers.  They can even spark new ideas you can create yourself. Once you get started, the possibilities are endless.

  1. Give away products for free to build your list. This is probably the most common use of PLR products, but definitely very effective. Practically everyone likes to get something for nothing. People will want to join your list to receive more from you. Many people use eBooks to really introduce themselves and the information they have to offer.

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You can also use the material to create newsletters, which will increase your email marketing campaign. Sometimes just knowing you’ll be among the “first” to get valuable information will entice people to want to join your list. With each new list member, you’re helping your business to grow into the kind of business you’ve dreamed of.

  1. Test your marketing campaigns. If you are doing email or direct mail campaigns, create two different landing pages with the same product and test the conversion rate of the landing page or the conversion rate of the email or direct mail message.

You can have the greatest information available, but sometimes how that information is presented can make all the difference. Who you present it to and in what manner you present it can definitely determine whether or not that product line is successful. By testing your campaign, you can come up with a way that really reaches your audience.

Figure out what it is that attracts your target marketing. Often times,

it’s simply where you place things on page that catches their eye. Testing is easy to do, and prevents you from having to do all that hard work creating something you think is great but just doesn’t click with your potential customers. Trying alternate headlines and titles to see which grabs the reader’s attention can be extremely important, because the headline/title is the first impression they see of you.

  1. Use content for free publicity or press releases. Use the information to write up informational editorials or press releases to help get free publicity in local and online media channels. Just like most things, the success of a small business begins at home. Press releases and free publicity are an excellent way to let those around you know who you are.



If they see something they like, they’ll want to know more. With the global market, you can increase your business internationally with very little effort. You pay for the quality PLR product and use it effectively for free publicity. This gets you recognized. After that, the material can be used to offer even more to those who saw your press release or other publicity.

  1. Establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Build your credibility with additional information and resources from the PLR products. Since practically the beginning of time, authors have been revered as authorities in their field.

Famous old authors who were well-respected men have been passed on for generations. Having your name on an eBook gives the impression that YOU are the expert. It tells them YOU are the person they should turn to for quality information. If you get a well- written PLR eBook and take a few minutes to truly “make it yours,” with your own catch phrases, keywords, or concepts, then people will believe that you are an authority in the subject.

You may, in fact, be an authority already, but with no eBooks or blog posts for people to read, they don’t know who you are. Not everyone in their niche knows how to put what they know or believe in print form. You can let the writer know what it is that you want to get across and they will create that eBook that gets your message to the world.

  1. Break it into parts to be loaded into your weekly or monthly auto responder. Just like any written material, people like “series.” By taking the material and dividing it into effective sections, you can draw people back to you again and again. You may also break it down what works for each of your individual lists. You may have a diversified business, and not everyone will be interested in everything you have to say. Using an auto responder, you can have those divided portions be on different aspects of your business and the right material will get to the right market. When that happens, people like subscribing to you, because they’ll know you are sending them content they will find relevant and valuable to them.



You won’t be considered as “junk” mail because you send things they’re not interested in. This keeps them as a subscriber and prevents them from “unsubscribing” from your list.

  1. Add value to your joint venture contribution. Create a unique PLR package product that is available to your joint venture partner list only. Being part of a “special” group makes subscribers feel important. If people know they can only get the material from your joint venture contribution, it truly makes them feel important. This can definitely add value.
  1. Use snippets to create blurbs on Twitter. Pre-schedule the tweets using pieces from the product to help engage your audience. Give them just enough to make them know they can’t miss what you have to say. Remember, the material becomes yours. You can use it anyway you choose, but with the popularity of Twitter. You can let those people who follow you get a “sneak peek” of what’s to come and definitely direct more content to your site or blog. Twitter is a very fast word-of-mouth site.

Word-of-mouth has been around for a long time because it works. Remember the saying from “Field of Dreams…” “If you build it, they will come.” If you Tweet something intriguing, they will come to your site for the rest of the story.

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