repurpose PLR Content

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content or Change the Media

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content or change the media to deliver your message!

  1. Record an MP3 of the content. Sell the audio as a separate or accompanying piece. Or make the audio available on iTunes or similar downloadable forum. Not everyone likes to receive their information the same way. We all process material differently. Some like to read or have something they can print out to write notes or comments to themselves. Others would rather listen to the material.

re-purpose plr content

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content

They like it to be something they can listen to as they go about their day.    Having your format in both forms, gives your audience the chance to choose. It allows them to multi-task more effectively. By selling them in both formats you’ll attract a wider variety of people. If you offer them together, many people will feel like it’s a bonus to have the audio.

They’ll appreciate this and be more apt to purchase something where they’re getting more for their money. Today’s economy is all about value. Offer them a good value and they’ll get their information from you.

  1. Create a video. Create a slideshow with graphics and post a video of the information. Now you’re really increasing your marketing ability. You don’t just have a written or audio format, but you actually have something they can view. Seeing who you are can help build rapport with your audience faster than just about any other way. Short videos taken from your blog posts, articles, or eBooks is a great way to make that rapport happen.

repurpose plr content into video

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content

The videos should only be about three minutes each, so you can see a good eBook can do a lot of videos. It allows you to post on sites like YouTube, your blog, or on your social media pages to draw in those who will find themselves feeling they are part of your organization. It’s the perfect personal touch that customers enjoy and return to time and time again.

  1. Create an eBook or accompanying workbook. For audio or video PLR products, have it transcribed and create an eBook. Or for eBook products, create a workbook to help readers utilize and understand the material. Many people need that “hand’s-on” approach to learning information. Having workbooks is a great way to give it to them. It allows them to really think through and then act out what is you are trying to get across.

Offering a workbook in conjunction with the eBook, audio, or video content will cause your audience to feel they are getting a greater value for their money. If you want the information and more than one person can give it to you, who would you buy it from? Most people will choose the one who they feel is giving them the best deal. If I know that a workbook will enhance my conception of the tasks I need to learn from the workbook, I’ll definitely opt for the workbook. Most people are the same way.

  1. Write a how-to guide. This is especially useful when re-selling PLR software. Provide a how-to guide or a video demonstrating simple tricks to use the programs or how to install the website templates. Actually showing people how to do something can be extremely valuable for some people. Actually walking them through with a how-to guide in some or all formats gives them a greater grasp of what it is they’re trying to learn from you. Content that gives people a clear picture of what it is they want to know will cause them to continue to want their information from you in the future, so it builds future business.

repurpose plr into howto guide

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content

If you’re unsure what it is you want to tell people how to do, simply do a bit of research. Google will let you know what keywords are currently being searched for as well as the most sought out topics. Find those where there isn’t any information overload, and start there.

  1. Use as material for a weekly podcast. Discuss the material and add to it by providing current event examples or personal experiences to create a connection with your audience. Podcasts are a great teaching experience for you and a great learning experience for your audience. You can take the PLR material and create segments you’re excited about to share. It can even increase your audience if you add levels for your podcasts.

If technology is your thing, for example, creating a version of your podcast that can reach a beginner or someone who is “technologically challenged,” for those who have a fairly good grasp and are seeking a greater knowledge, or for those who are advanced where you can share information among the viewers can give you an extremely wide viewing audience. Does it take a little work to get started? Yes, but once you create your podcast, you can use it reach out and touch many others. The more you reach, the more visits you’ll have to your site.

  1. Add content to your own report or eBook to add additional references or material. While your original eBook or product is likely great, by adding additional sources to it, you increase the value to your customers as well as your credibility. You can likely find many valuable resources that you may have never thought of. Adding those to your already good content can make it awesome content. Content truly is “the king” for any website or blog.

rebrand plr products

How To Re-Purpose PLR Content

The more valuable the content, the more likely others are to “like” or “share” on social media sites. Each of these helps build your search engine optimization. Take your good, add some better, and you can have content that is the BEST. This is content your customers will appreciate and definitely want more of.

  1. Start an informational YouTube Channel. On a weekly or bi-weekly basis use portions of the content to create simple YouTube videos of you discussing the material. YouTube grows larger and larger each day. The ability to grow an audience of viewers is also growing by leaps and bounds. Use the PLR information, and then WOW them with a great intro to catch their attention and make them want to watch it.

repurpose plr for a youtube channel

Remember that on a video, you only have about three seconds to grab your audience before they click off. Once you’ve hooked them, give them the valuable content and they’ll want to return for your next program. They’ll probably even subscribe if given the option.

The only thing that’s probably keeping you from having success on YouTube is you’re not on it. Get that quality PLR information on a channel and see how fast you can watch the traffic increase.

  1. Translate the content into other languages. This is a big way to gain access to other markets. Also keep an eye out for good PLR products that may be only available in other languages and then have it translated into English before another online entrepreneur gets access. The world of online businesses is truly a “world-wide” market. Internationally translated material gives you a good piece of that market.

You may have great material in English. If someone is Japanese, however, and they don’t speak English, then your English material will have far less value to them. Not everyone is willing to struggle through when they only know a little of the language. They’ll just look for something similar to your content in a language they understand. It’s a lose/lose situation. They miss out on the better quality information, and you miss out on the sale. By translating, you can offer your information to the world in a way they can all comprehend that can be extremely profitable for you.

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